The Tust
was established in 2005 by Alec J Spalding MBE who had given
a lifetime of service to the Scout Association.
His intention in
establishing the Trust was to promote the education and training
of young people not just within the Scout movement but across
a much wider spectrum of youth organisations. It was very important
to him that support was to be provided at a local level and
indeed the Purposes of the Trust specifically exclude providing
funding to finance participation in, Jamborees, National, Regional
or District, events of the Scout Association or the equivalent
in other organisations.
An extract from Alec
Spalding's obituary gives a much fuller
picture of this remarkable man.
During his life Alec
Spalding also found time to write three books:-
- Games and Activities
for Scouts
- The 24th 1908
to 1988
- Activities and
Expeditions for Youth Groups
Alec Spalding was
also a keen photographer and kept a photographic record of Scout
activities as well as collecting archive material covering much
of the history of the 24th Glasgow ( Bearsden) Scout Group.
In 2008, the centenary year of the 24th Glasgow ( Bearsden)
Scout Group, a DVD was produced containing over 4000 photographs
spanning the years 1910 to 2003.
Website design
and maintainance by:-
tom@mosshead.net |
Youth Activities Charitable Trust (Scottish Charity No. SC036882) |